A unique combination of antigens to diagnose bovine TB, reduce false positive results and control transmission to humans

- The in-lab validation for Cisgen kit was conducted on samples from India, UK, Ethiopia that showed 95% sensitivity and 100% specificity, making it superior to existing kits and facilitating its adoption by the dairy industry – public and private.
- Field testing and adoption discussions are underway with National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), Bharatiya Agro Industries Foundation and IIPHG, Gandhinagar.
- Cisgen’s kit has already been adapted for another common zoonotic disease Brucellosis.
- The kit is a platform technology that can be used to diagnose other chronic diseases of cattle such as Brucellosis, Johne’s disease and Bovine Infectious Rhinotracheitis (IBR). CisGEN is also working on inclusion of Bovine Herpesvirus antigen and Brucella LPS in the kit.
- Finally, the kit can also be used for TB testing in other domesticated animals & has been found to be highly sensitive in testing TB in wild animals.
“IHF helped us financially in upscaling and validation of our animal health care product. IHF also provided us with technical and network support required. IHF mentored us to have a business portfolio for our products.”
Dr. Maroudam Veerasamy, Director, Cisgen Biotech Discoveries Private Limited