The World Health Organization (WHO) recently recommended the use of targeted next-generation sequencing (tNGS) as a new class of technologies for the diagnosis of drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB). The WHO global guidelines recommend the use of targeted sequencing from respiratory samples for drug resistance diagnosis in people with bacteriologically confirmed TB and rifampicin-resistant TB, rather than the conventional culture-based methods, in appropriate settings of use. Here are 5 things you need to know about targeted NGS for drug-resistant TB detection:

  1. History demonstrates that the emergence of drug resistance in TB is inevitable, however, the process can be significantly delayed by judicious use of antibiotics guided by timely diagnosis of drug resistance. The latest treatment regimens for drug-resistant TB necessitate the use of rapid and comprehensive molecular diagnostics to appropriately guide patient treatment while ensuring that the effectiveness of new drug regimens can be preserved over the long term. Clinical management of drug-resistant TB is complex. There are more than 20 drugs currently used against TB in different combinations under different circumstances. The latest guidelines published by WHO have featured landmark improvements in treatment regimens for drug-resistant TB such as BPaL and BPaLM. These regimens comprise new and repurposed drugs including Bedaquiline and Linezolid that shorten the duration of treatment down from 2 years to just 6 months. Thus, there is a big need to preserve the efficacy of these highly promising drugs through timely and comprehensive resistance testing or drug susceptibility testing (DST).

2. Conventionally, TB drug resistance testing has relied on phenotypic methods based on the observation of growth or inhibition of a bacterial culture in the presence of a drug. These culture-based methods are comprehensive but have rigorous laboratory requirements, biosafety requirements and are highly time-consuming (6-8 weeks) given the slow growth rate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), the bacterium that causes TB.[1] Available rapid molecular or nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) detect some key mutations in one or few gene targets and can predict resistance mainly to first-line drugs and a couple of second-line drugs. Detection of resistance to all existing, new, and repurposed drugs would require interrogation of hundreds of mutations. This makes Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) highly suitable for comprehensive, molecular TB DST – NGS refers to high-throughput, massively parallel sequencing technologies that determine the nucleotide sequence of hundreds of genes or even an entire genome in a single biochemical reaction. Ideally, whole genome sequencing, which involves NGS to determine the complete genome sequence for a given organism at one time, would be the way to go, but even today it relies on culture isolates as the starting sample, which does not make it appropriate for rapid detection of drug resistance for clinical action. Targeted NGS (tNGS) has been shown to work directly from TB clinical samples and can allow detection of resistance to almost all TB drugs in a single test within a day or two, compared to the 6-8 weeks needed for culture-based DST. Thus, targeted NGS is a paradigm shift in the diagnosis of drug-resistant TB and could drastically improve clinical outcomes for DR-TB patients.

3. Successful molecular DST relies on prediction of drug resistance through accurate interpretation of genetic data generated from targeted sequencing and other molecular methods. The WHO Catalogue of mutations associated with TB drug resistance provides comprehensive guidance for harmonized interpretation of genetic data and enables development of novel molecular diagnostics based on validated genetic targets and a confidence-graded mutations list. The second edition of the catalogue published in November 2023 vastly expanded on the first edition in both geographic and drug coverage. The catalogue will continue to be updated as the knowledgebase of resistance strain data grows over time allowing for the discovery of additional mutations associated with drug resistance, especially for the new drugs.

4. The WHO tNGS policy guideline can only achieve the intended outcomes when implemented effectively. Global health organizations like FIND are working on multiple tools and resources to support the implementation and scaling of tNGS in countries. FIND is supporting tNGS implementation in early adopter countries, to help generate in-country evidence for operationalization and optimal utilization of NGS capacity. Resources include the NGS Implementation Manual, laboratory readiness assessments, NGS workflow comparisons, platform selection tools based on volumes and anticipated turnaround times, genomics costing tools and implementation roadmaps.

5. While cost and feasibility of implementation of NGS in LMICs are still bottlenecks, there are opportunities to leverage investments and NGS capacity built for COVID-19. We built and continue to maintain a global NGS capacity map, based on a systematic mapping of diagnostic testing, sequencing volumes and NGS availability in countries. The mapping has helped in understanding where capacity is available, where gaps exist, and how to maximize the impact of investments in sequencing through increased coordination and new partnerships. The pandemic led to increased awareness and interest in building global NGS capacity from donors and many global health stakeholders. For the first time, the Global Fund provided funding support to countries to build and scale sequencing capacity, via the COVID-19 response mechanism (C19RM). WHO and partners published the Global Genomic Surveillance Strategy and recommendations on Accelerating Access to Genomics for Global Health. This is the opportune time to pool our efforts and resources to reduce barriers and strengthen genomics capabilities in LMICs to ensure that the benefits of this future-facing technology are shared equitably amongst all populations to tackle drug-resistant TB and beyond.

About the Author:

Anita Suresh is Director of the Genomics and Sequencing Unit at FIND. She and her team are focused on establishing the use of next-generation sequencing (NGS) as a diagnostic and surveillance tool, driving NGS adoption and supporting capacity building in low- and middle- income countries, for drug-resistant TB, antimicrobial resistance, pandemic threats, malaria and beyond. She has 20 years of experience across the biomedical value chain, including diagnostics development and commercialization, clinical trials, technology assessment, R&D and public policy. She has an MBA from Kellogg School of Management-Northwestern University, and research background in Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology.

Swapna Uplekar is the Principal Scientist in the Genomics & Sequencing Unit at FIND. Her current disease areas of focus include tuberculosis, antimicrobial resistance, malaria, and other outbreak prone pathogens. Swapna has an undergraduate degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (UK) and a Master of Research in Bioinformatics (UK). Swapna has worked on NGS technologies for the past 15 years, through her doctoral research on the genomics and transcriptomics of tuberculosis pathogens (PhD, Switzerland) and later to establish novel NGS approaches and support NGS implementation for genomic surveillance of malaria pathogens in limited resource settings (Postdoctoral Research, USA).


  1. Beste DJV, Espasa M, Bonde B, Kierzek AM, Stewart GR, McFadden J (2009) The Genetic Requirements for Fast and Slow Growth in Mycobacteria. PLoS ONE 4(4): e5349.

Publication Date: 28th May, 2024
