Nearly half the world has little or no access to diagnostics. This gap widens even further at the primary healthcare level in LMICs where 4 in 5 people don’t have access to the simplest diagnostic tests. Prompt and accurate diagnosis, especially at primary level, can save lives. From quickly clarifying disease etiology, to influencing treatment modalities, to cutting down disease transmission, to improving public health surveillance – accurate and timely diagnosis at point of care is key. Science and tech-based screening and diagnostic innovations have an untapped potential to strengthen primary healthcare and improve health outcomes. Yet, healthcare workers struggle to make do with inadequate and antiquated testing technology for infectious diseases. If we are to control the world’s greatest infectious disease killers, it is imperative to invest in game-changing screening and diagnostic tools suited for primary care, that can ensure earlier treatments and improve patient outcomes. Moreover, lifesaving diagnostics, once developed must be available to everyone, everywhere — people at high-risk such as children, pregnant women or immunocompromised individuals, as well as marginalized, disadvantaged population such as refugees or internally displaced persons. Plugging this need gap in screening and diagnostics & the focus on the underserved has been key to the theses of India Health Fund.
A unique combination of antigens to diagnose bovine TB, reduce false positive results and control transmission to humans
A breakthrough RT-PCR test to speed the detection of drug resistance in TB patients from 4 months to 2 weeks.
Faster, more accurate diagnosis & reporting of malaria in 1 minute with a $1 test.
Fast, accurate and affordable differential diagnosis of TB, COVID-19 and influenza using LAMP technology.
An accurate, low-cost point of care antigen test to enable rapid and low cost triage of potential TB patients.
TBSend card: a novel sputum storage and transportation device for TB testing.
Safe, accurate, affordable and automated sample collection and diagnosis of TB at point of care.
India Health Fund is registered as Confluence for Health Action and Transformation Foundation (CHATF), a Section 8
charitable company incorporated in India, supported by the Tata Trusts.