Diseases – I4ID
in Mumbai in partnership with FIND.

IHF in partnership with Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) supplemented the reach and efficacy of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai’s (MCGM) COVID-19 response by enabling rapid on-site Truenat testing for those who tested negative on rapid antigen test but were symptomatic. The project also facilitated screening of TB amongst those who were suspected of COVID-19. This was as per the guidelines issued by MoHFW, GoI on screening for both COVID-19 and TB. The patients received their results in a couple of hours which is significantly less as compared to the time taken to report results using RT-PCR test, which is about 1 1/2 days. Those found positive for TB or COVID -19 were immediately linked to treatment services.
This well developed testing strategy combined with accurate point of care solution proved to be very successful in primary health channels across low resource settings. The results from this project are being discussed with MCGM with the aim to scale up the intervention in Mumbai and beyond.