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Blogs and Multimedia
climate changes unique burden on the health of women and girls
maximizing regional cooperation and local solutions for climate-health mitigation and adaptation
Battling Extreme Heat in India: How Cities Are Adapting and Why It Matters
Solving the Dengue Conundrum
Innovative Approaches to Sustainable Health Financing
How Qure.aiâs Technology is Revolutionizing Tuberculosis Screening in Maharashtra's Tribal Areas
Closing the paediatric tuberculosis diagnostic gap - steps to accelerate new TB tools for children
Recognizing the five blind spots in tackling antimicrobial resistance: an urgent call
Measuring and Acting on AMR - Before it's too late
Breathing New Life into Lung Health: The Role of Technology in Overcoming Chronic Respiratory Diseases
Facing The Threat Of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
Combating Antimicrobial Resistance in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Essential Strategies for Resource-Limited Settings
A diagnostic route to eliminating Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis
Revolutionizing TB Diagnosis: The Power of Diagnostic Network Optimization (DNO)
The Challenge of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis (EPTB) in India - India Health Fund
Getting Towards Zero: Ending Childhood TB
Q&A with Dr. Pratap N Mukhopadhyaya on the need for innovations in diagnostic sample storage and transportation
Five things you need to know about Next-Generation Sequencing and Drug-Resistant TB detection
Tackling Dengue: The Road Ahead
Molecular diagnostics for early diagnosis of infectious diseases
Q&A with Dr. Binita Tunga on Diagnostic Innovations for Vector-borne Diseases
The Climate change - Malaria Connection
Q&A With Narayana Rao Sripada on Revolutionizing TB Detection Through Artificial Intelligence
Tuberculosis Under The Lens
malaria under the lens
Wastewater Surveillance â a Way Forward
How AI is Bringing Healthcare Equity in A Mining Town
Navigating the maze of medical sample storage and transportation in India
Navigating the Path to TB Elimination in India: Insights from WHOâs Global TB Report 2023
Physical & Planetary Health: An interwoven tale
The Devastating Link between Climate Crisis and Infectious Diseases
How Truenat is Accelerating TB Diagnosis in Goa
Combating zoonotic TB through novel diagnostics and a One Health approach
Revolutionizing TB Diagnosis by Unleashing the Power of AIâ
The Past, Present and Future of Microscopy for Malaria Detection
Hammering the last nail on the Malaria coffin in India: Itâs time to address the grey areas
A Photo Story On How TMEAD Is Supporting Patients Adhere To Long And Arduous TB Treatments
Yes, we can #EndTB, but for that, we must nurture innovation
Partnership Of Hope: How Qure.ai & India Health Fund are Revolutionizing TB Care in Nagaland
Financing innovations to fight communicable diseases
Using The âPower Of Givingâ To Combat Infectious Diseases
Tackling vector-borne diseases with health tech innovations: âFeet on groundâ or âHead in the cloudsâ?
Nipping In The Bud: Checking Antimicrobial Resistance At Primary Healthcare Level
5 ways Artificial Intelligence (AI) can improve healthcare outcomes
The Role Of New Technologies In Acceleration Towards The Elimination Of Tuberculosis
Clean Water For Vector Borne Disease Free World
What TB Communicators Can Learn From COVID-19
Drug Adherence Is Key For TB Elimination In India
Interview: Madhav Joshi, CEO, India Health Fund Speaks With Prashant Warier, CEO Qure.ai
(Part 1)
The IHF's route: Catalysing India's progress towards elimination of infectious diseases
An AI-led approach to tackling TB
Strengthening primary healthcare through innovations and building a healthier future -- the India Health Fund story